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Last Revised 011/30/2016 4:42:08 PM

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3382 W. Osborn Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85017

Phone: 602-258-8095:  Fax: 602-278-7033

E-Mail: info@networksciences.com


We are very Excited to announce that , “Alpha Components” has been merged into “Network Sciences” bringing with it it’s products, design abilities and knowledge in the filter manufacturing process.  We are also grateful that the former owner of Alpha Components has agreed to become an advisor and consultant, bringing with him his expertise in design and manufacturing of high quality custom  filters .

f15 image

Markets Served

Filters supplied by Network Sciences are used in a wide array of U.S. And international governmental agencies, military, commercial and high quality consumer applications such as radar, airborne reconnaissance systems, communications, jamming systems, cellular and PCS base stations, GPS survey instruments, microwave digital radios, test instrumentation, and miscellaneous wireless communications systems.

Technologies & Major Products

Network Sciences manufactures a complete product line of standard and custom-engineered crystal and LC filters, and crystal discriminators.  Filters of all types (polynomial, general synthesis, image parameter, etc), delay and amplitude equalized, phase matched, and all package configurations.

Products from Network Sciences include:

    From 1 KHz to 2.0 Ghz with fractional band widths of 2% to 100+%.

Technical Services

Network Sciences offers complete in-house capabilities for the design and test of its filter and frequency discriminator products.  These capabilities were put in place to benefit the company’s customers as follows:

    Network Sciences’ success is based on the company’s experienced and dedicated personnel.

All key personnel at Network Sciences have at least ten year’s experience in the design and manufacture of crystals filters, LC filters and frequency discriminators.  All new requirements are computer modeled, and cost-driving specifications are high-lighted for Network Sciences’ customers.  The company personnel employ every effort to optimize product value per dollar, and to earn customer trust to become a long-term valued supplier.